Former members of the laboratory

Academic Years 2013-2016

Dr. Abraham Rosas Arellano
- SNI level I

Post-doctoral Fellow
(CONACYT) 2013-2014 & 2016-2017
Live imaging of intestinal iron storage
All publications of Dr. Abraham Rosas Arellano

Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (2012)
Instituto de Neurobiología - UNAM
Previous Posts:
Post-doc at the
Marine Biological Laboratory (Massachusetts)
Post-doc at the
Austral University of Chile (Chile)

Present post:
Service microscopist at the Institute of Cellular Physiology (UNAM)

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Mr. David Antonio Hernández Guzmán

Iron metabolism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Psychologist (2012) National Autonomous University of Mexico
Masters in Neuroscience (2015)
Continued for a
Masters in psychological counseling at the University of Iberoamerica

Ms. Tharse Pathmanathan

The role of iron in spermatogenesis.
Biomedical Scientist (2011) Queen Mary University of London
Masters in Physiology (2015)
Works in secondary education in London.

Ms. Andrea Salazar - Secretary

Provided excellent secretarial assistance to the laboratory.
Presently secretary to the Head of the Department of Physiology, Biophysics & Neuroscience.